Thank you, JRK, for posting and the good vibes.
Trying to stay safe and sane while under siege.
i hope you're not dealing with wildfires in your area.
currently, california is under siege.
we, in the sierra nevada foothills, had our major conflagration last october and needed to evacuate.
Thank you, JRK, for posting and the good vibes.
Trying to stay safe and sane while under siege.
i hope you're not dealing with wildfires in your area.
currently, california is under siege.
we, in the sierra nevada foothills, had our major conflagration last october and needed to evacuate.
Thank you, blownaway, Waton, and LHG:
We're always on edge because the threat has become year round. Then follow the mudslides.
Will Durant wrote, "Mankind exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice." Does climate change figure in similarly?
Thanks again!
i hope you're not dealing with wildfires in your area.
currently, california is under siege.
we, in the sierra nevada foothills, had our major conflagration last october and needed to evacuate.
Thank you, Perry.
No matter where we live, there are forces of nature to deal with. I appreciate your post.
Taking no chances.
i hope you're not dealing with wildfires in your area.
currently, california is under siege.
we, in the sierra nevada foothills, had our major conflagration last october and needed to evacuate.
i hope you're not dealing with wildfires in your area.
currently, california is under siege.
we, in the sierra nevada foothills, had our major conflagration last october and needed to evacuate.
i hope you're not dealing with wildfires in your area.
currently, california is under siege.
we, in the sierra nevada foothills, had our major conflagration last october and needed to evacuate.
I hope you're not dealing with wildfires in your area. Currently, California is under siege. We, in the Sierra Nevada foothills, had our major conflagration last October and needed to evacuate. The smoke from fires both north and south of us is choking the skies and us vulnerable little people on the ground.
Walking a client's dog last night, I was gasping for air after a near incident of leash aggression. The smoke and my initial anxiety over the dog's behavior set me off. This morning, there was no doggie misbehavior, but the heavy skies had me panting. Since this has never happened to me before, I feel it must be the dirty skies of many, many days now. The streets here have been lined with some half-dozen tree care companies, trimming back the lush growth of pines and oaks. Some neighbors are even removing their ground covers and ornamental shrubs that are deemed potential "fire ladders."
The news said the unrelenting, heavy smoke is bad for everyone, not just sensitive types. Have you ever dealt with the like?
Thoughts are welcome.
because someone needs my help.. as a jw -- you can relate -- i truly believed that what everyone really needed was the kingdom hope and its eventual reality.
you know, the hope that does not lead to disappointment.
of course, if anyone needed practical help with a task or getting through some difficulty, most of us realized that was part of being a helpful and caring friend (or family member).. at nearly seventy years of age -- no, i didn't enter the promised kingdom in my healthful and vibrant youth -- my getting out of bed isn't so bad.
It seems that, in my little corner of the world, everyone was out of town this last weekend. I get calls regularly to care for people's animals.
Since I can stay in only one house overnight, I had to get up around 5:30 every morning and hustle over to a different client's home and let the dogs out to do their business. All was well; I headed over to another home and cared for the wee beasties. I am grateful that my new batch of critters can hold it so well (housebroken, never an accident).
Everyone's home from a long weekend and I get to sleep in -- till 7:00 a.m.
i have been invited to speak at an international cultic studies association workshop this fall.
i could use your help in focusing on my presentation subject.. these workshops are for former members of any cult or other high-control, authoritarian group, not just jehovah's witnesses.
last year, i spoke at one of their larger conferences in europe.
I am the only one that frequents this site ,the others have no need for it their just happy getting on with their own lives . And that pleases me . -- smiddy3
You've said it all! Thanks.
Mr. Flipper:
Thanks for enlarging on my comments.
I totally agree with your detailed analysis but would never have thought to write about fanatical and mindless dedication to the Org the way you did. That's why "In the multitude of counselors, there is accomplishment." -- Proverbs something or other
Sheesh! Did I just write that?
Best wishes, ALL!
i have been invited to speak at an international cultic studies association workshop this fall.
i could use your help in focusing on my presentation subject.. these workshops are for former members of any cult or other high-control, authoritarian group, not just jehovah's witnesses.
last year, i spoke at one of their larger conferences in europe.
I have no idea where that anymore link came from. Sorry! All because I failed to space.
i have been invited to speak at an international cultic studies association workshop this fall.
i could use your help in focusing on my presentation subject.. these workshops are for former members of any cult or other high-control, authoritarian group, not just jehovah's witnesses.
last year, i spoke at one of their larger conferences in europe.
Where, if at all, does the "new personality" come into play when defining who we are?
What we once specified as the fruits of the spirit -- love, joy, peace, long-suffering, etc. -- are admirable traits and developed attitudes/ behavior present in an individual who may not necessarily be spiritually inclined (and is that determination ever broad).
As I reflect upon this now, jp, at your instance, I realize our former endeavor to develop the much touted Christian personality might have resulted in only a veneer. Lovely examples at assemblies of worldly miscreants who found Jehovah and did a 180. Russell promoted "character development" among the brethren, which waste of time Rutherford summarily quashed. To the field!
Sure, there were wonderful Jehovah's Witnesses in our ranks, yet I clearly recall our CO, Wendell St. Clair, saying that being called a JW doesn't automatically mean you're a nice person. "WOW" then. So obviously spot on now, while I reflect upon his honest words of over thirty-five years ago. Only now do I recall this ancient history and could be off in some recollections.
I have no reason to pretend anymore.At last, I feel real, and if that's what we call the authentic personality, that suits me.
Thanks, jp.